New appointment for Scottish Agronomy’s expanding agronomy team

New appointment for Scottish Agronomy’s expanding agronomy team

30th October 2023
Zach Reilly

Scotland’s leading independent agronomy advisory service and farmer-owned cooperative, Scottish Agronomy, is pleased to announce the appointment of Zach Reilly.  


Zach brings experience as a farm consultant, most recently with SAC Consulting’s Forfar office, assessing whole farming businesses and supporting from agronomy to business management. He has also been a lead on Farming for a Better Climate’s Regenerative Soil Group, exploring sustainability practices and their practical impact and integration on farm. 


His appointment and the team expansion reflect Scottish Agronomy’s investment in strengthening the cooperative and its role as a leading independent advisory service in Scotland, says Managing Director, Adam Christie:  


We are delighted to welcome Zach on board. He brings huge expertise and understanding of the challenges and opportunities for farming businesses in Scotland as well as his agronomy experience. He will be a great fit for the team as we continue to support our members with the information and insights they need to optimise yields and long-term profit in an ever evolving environmental, economic and policy landscape. 


The agronomy team at Scottish Agronomy, which includes Eric Anderson, Greg Dawson, Stevie Gray and Donald Paterson, provides three tiers of agronomy support including group agronomy, which offers the chance to meet and share knowledge between farmers as well Scottish Agronomy’s technical advice, and a dedicated one-to-one service. 


Scottish Agronomy has over 20,000 trial plots which provide independent evidence-based advice on variety and inputs, and the agronomy team bridges the gap between this scientific research and applying the learnings practically on farm. The focus is on crop management, soil health, pest and disease control, and, where appropriate, different sustainability strategies to enhance these.  


Scottish Agronomy, which was established in 1985, also supports its members with associated services, including carbon audits. 


Scottish Agronomy is at an exciting point in its growth and development and I am really looking forward to joining a small and dynamic team I’ve always had huge respect for,” says Zach. “The way in which Scottish Agronomy uses the evidence from trials and shared experience to work first and foremost for its membership has always appealed to me, and I’m looking forward to getting fully involved and out on members’ farms. 

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